Woo Product Carousel

This product is an elegant carousel slider with six impressive layouts. Within the Woo Carousel product, some impressive features allow you to control everything. Create product slides easily using the Woo Product Carousel

The Key Features:

100% Responsive

Total 6 Layouts

Carousel Settings

Easily Customizable

Text Settings

Image Settings

More Options

Woo Essential ProductCarousel Comes With Six Amazing Layouts

Each of the six layouts has its beauty. Pick the one you like best and see the trendy style it brings to the carousel.

Floating Item

In Woo Product Carousel Content Background & Display Features

Easily select a color for the content background using the pointer or simply put the hex code to achieve the exact color you want. You can easily enable or disable Add to Cart, Price, Star Rating, and Description. showcasing content.

Easy To ConfigureNavigation Features

Here you can select Navigation type, and it also includes features like Dynamic Bullet and Arrow, Pagination, Mouse Wheel, and Keyboard navigation enabling options.

Floating Item

Stylize the Textsusing the Typographytools for all Text Fields

Text stylization made easy and innovative. Trendy typography design tools are available for Product Name, Product Description, Price Text, Add To Cart, View Cart, Sale Badge, and Out Of Stock Badge.

Configure All Design Aspects and Elements

Text stylization made easy and innovative. Trendy typography design tools are available for Product Name, Product Description, Price Text, Add To Cart, View Cart, Sale Badge, and Out Of Stock Badge.